This project entailed running a requirements workshop with the client to establish business and project objectives, target audience and high-level requirements. This was followed up with the creation of a set of UX artefacts detailing scenarios, task analysis and tool features, which were used as the foundation to build the UI by developers.
[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″][box title=”Client: Grant Thornton” color=”#a6a6a6″][client logo= align=”center”][/box][/column]
[column size=”1-2″ last=”1″][box title=”Skills used” color=”#a6a6a6″][skillbar title=”Business analysis” level=”100″]
[skillbar title=”User research” level=”100″][skillbar title=”Usability” level=”50″][skillbar title=”Information architecture” level=”50″][skillbar title=”Interaction design” level=”0″][/box]
<strong>Project summary</strong>
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Grant Thornton wished to display the results from one of their publications, The International Business Review within their digital estate in an engaging and interactive way. The Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) is a quarterly survey of business leaders from across the globe.
I was employed on the project as a BA/UX consultant tasked with capturing the client’s requirements and creating a set of artefacts to demonstrate to the UI designers and developers what functionality the tool should contain.
<strong>Project process</strong>
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[spoiler title=”1. Kick off workshop” open=”0″ style=”2″]The first stage of the project entailed conducting a workshop / focus group with the client to define business and project objectives, identify target user groups, their goals and tasks for the tool. [/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”2. User needs research” open=”0″ style=”2″]The second phase of the project involved summarising the findings from the workshop and reporting on these to the client. The tool would be used by four different audience groups, both internal and external. 1. GT employees 2. The media 3. External businesses 4. Educational institutions. To demonstrate my understanding of the audience groups who would be using the tool, I created experience maps to demonstrate how analysing the different goals and tasks of each target audience segment would drive requirements for different features within the tool.
Each experience map journey was broken down into three stages: 1. First encounter (How do I use the tool? What questions do I want the data within the tool to answer?) 2. Interacting (using the data within the tool to answer specific questions such as “How does Country X compare to Country Y in other categories and indicators?”) and 3. Follow up (actions taken by the user after using the tool e.g. Can I download the PDF version of the report for further analysis and commentary?) The tasks at each stage differed for each audience group.
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[spoiler title=”3. Requirements engineering” open=”0″ style=”2″]The experience maps provided a useful stimuli for the client to further brainstorm different use cases they would need to cater for within the tool. This led to the development of detailed user stories and task analysis which were used by the UI designer and developer to design the interface according to the client’s requirements.
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<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-523″ src=”” alt=”” width=”650″ height=”519″ /></a>
[callout add_button=”yes” button_text=”View tool” button_url=”” button_color=”#09b6eb”]You can view the data visualisation tool by selecting “View tool”[/callout]